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Beyond Borders is an ambitious region-wide participation Dance Development Leaders Group (DDLG) project that has brought together 13 dance artists, 13 aspiring young leaders, over 120 young people, 3 digital artists and a variety of specialists to collaborate and produce original work in response to #OnewithNature.

The project started with online collaboration in March 2021 and accumulates in this celebratory moment at Birmingham International Dance Festival 2021, with the premiere of this bespoke Beyond Borders film. With inclusion, young peoples voices and creativity at its heart, the Beyond Borders film will shine a light on some of the very best West Midlands talent.


Artistic Facilitator: Zoie Golding

Creative Producer: Martina Bussi

Executive Producer: Alexandra Henwood, DanceXchange

Digital Artists: Aaron Howell, Anthony Shintai Amao

Composer: Duncan Grimley

Inclusion Champion: Rachel Liggitt

Plus specialist input from Rachel Freeman (Everybody Dance), Helen Mason (Freewheelin), Kevin Finnan (Motionhouse), Wayne Sables (Digital Artist), Bethany Whitehead (Access Co-ordinator) and Orit Azaz (DDLG and Project Facilitator).

Watch other Midlands Made films
